Here’s what Huddle is all about.
The best way for us to offer real, useful support is to listen to what youth have told us they need. Huddle creates a community space where youth feel safe to seek help without judgement, with as many services and resources as possible in one easy-access location.
We are committed to advocating and holding space for Manitoba youth, and meeting them where they’re at to make plans for their health together.
What are Huddle youth hubs?
Huddle is a welcoming place designed to make youth feel at ease and comfortable when they first walk in. Think of us as a one-stop shop for health care, youth services, community events and other useful stuff to help young people feel better. Instead of bouncing around to different doctors, counsellors or drop-ins, you’ll find everything you need in one warm, safe space.
We’re modelled after a growing global movement: Integrated Youth Services. This model, created in partnership with youth and families, has proven to help young people requiring medical care and support—especially in areas of mental health and addictions counselling.
We don’t dictate what youth need to do—we listen to what they tell us they need, and do everything in our power to help them get their needs met. The solution isn’t always instant or easy, but we are always honest and consistent in our work to help youth persevere for a happier, healthier future.

Who is involved?
Huddle is an initiative of the Government of Manitoba, together with United Way Winnipeg and other philanthropic partners, including:
- Bell – Graham Boeckh Foundation Partnership
- RBC Foundation
- The Winnipeg Foundation
- The Moffat Family Fund at The Winnipeg Foundation
- The Réseau Compassion Network
Each of our locations is led by a diverse team of community members and professionals with trauma-informed practices and proven success supporting youth. We work together with other community organizations, Indigenous leaders, and professional networks in areas of mental health, substance use, training and employment, recreation, and more, to get youth connected to the support they need.
Overview of services and terms used at Huddle
Easy to enter and navigate for people of all abilities and income levels. Our youth hubs are designed with accessibility in mind—they’re close to major bus routes, walkable, easy to find, have open hours beyond the 9-5 standard, require very few forms to fill out and you don’t need referrals from outside agencies.
Indigenous rituals, based on custom or tradition, performed to mark or honour specific events and occasions. Ceremonies differ by Indigenous Nation but often share common purposes such as healing, seeking direction or guidance, distribution of wealth, or honouring individuals, life events, births, naming, puberty, death, and more.
The legal right that a doctor or health practitioner will keep all your information secret, unless you consent to sharing that information.
To approve or agree.
Guidance offered by social workers, therapists, or health care practitioners to help you resolve personal or social problems.
Cultural Safety
An outcome based on respectful engagement which recognizes and strives to address power imbalances in Canada’s health care system. Culturally safe approaches result in environments free of racism and discrimination, so people can feel safe when accessing health care services.
Cultural Humility
A process of self-reflection, with a goal of understanding personal and systemic biases and to develop and maintain respectful processes and relationships built on mutual trust. Cultural humility involves humbly acknowledging oneself as a learner when it comes to understanding the experiences of others.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
A powerful form of therapy that teaches people how to identify and replace negative, inaccurate thought patterns, and change the rewards for behaviours.
Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)
A type of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy that teaches people to live in the moment, cope with stress, handle and regulate difficult emotions, and improve relationships.
Elders and Knowledge Keepers
People with deep knowledge or expertise in Indigenous knowledge systems, including Indigenous intellectual traditions, laws, and world views. Some are considered the keepers of traditional knowledge or oral history within their families, communities, or Nations. They are Indigenous people, respected for their wisdom, knowledge, experience, background, and insight. Community members or individuals often seek them out for guidance and support in traditional and contemporary issues.
Evidence-Based Health
Care and treatment models based on the best, most up-to-date research on what is proven to work.
Integrated Youth Services (IYS)
A seamless approach to youth care that is being adopted by clinics and wellness centres across the world. Huddle works on an IYS model, bringing together as many cross-sectoral services as we can, all in one location. Our goal is to create a one-stop shop packed with free resources. We actively value and amplify youths’ needs, priorities, and ideas, and we tailor our services to help them in the ways in which they are most comfortable and supported. We continually improve our services by encouraging participants to complete evaluations and surveys after receiving care from our staff.
Land-Based Healing
An Indigenous approach to healing focused on returning or reconnecting to the land while using supports to relearn, revitalize, and reclaim traditional wellness practices. The land is foundational to Indigenous identity, but over generations of colonization, Indigenous communities have been disconnected and dispossessed from their traditional territories. Land-based healing seeks to address this.
A technique for focusing your attention only on the present, and experiencing and acknowledging thoughts, feelings, and sensations without jumping to conclusions.
Nurse Practitioner
A registered nurse who has received training for diagnosing patients and prescribing medication or other treatments.
Peer Supporter
A youth or family member with training in how to support and mentor youth, or families of young people suffering from mental health issues or other challenges.
Primary Care
Medical care from a doctor or other health care professional. They’re your first contact when seeking out medical care—including sexual and reproductive care—and they may refer you to a specialist if necessary.
Care services, events, workshops, training, and any other activities happening at Huddle.
A medical doctor who specializes in psychiatric health and can prescribe medication or treatment when necessary.
A professional trained to use psychological tests for assessing and diagnosing mental health issues. They help people overcome or manage problems through a variety of treatments and therapy options.
Fun stuff! Group events, sports, games, and other cool stuff that brings people together.
Trauma-Informed Approach
Community work that recognizes the widespread impact of trauma and understands different possible paths toward recovery. It recognizes the signs and symptoms of trauma in youth, families, and staff, then responds by fully integrating this trauma knowledge into policies, procedures, and practices. The goal is to encourage and foster healing in a manner that is welcoming and appropriate to the needs of those affected by trauma.
Our youth hubs are located on Treaty 1 and Treaty 2 territories. These lands on which we gather are the traditional territories of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Anisininew, Assiniboine, Dakota, and Dene Peoples, and the birthplace of the Métis Nation.