Need immediate support?

Huddle Broadway

We’re a walk-in mental wellness hub with something for everyone.

Huddle Broadway is here for youth – and we want you to feel so welcome. Whether you come to chill with friends, have coffee, or to chat about anything you want with our staff, we’re here for healthy, helping conversations when you’re ready. We offer mental and physical health services for youth. This includes Indigenous cultural support and land-based teaching, Safe Space programming for 2SLGBTIA+ youth, harm reduction and safe use kits – plus a foosball table, condoms, snacks, free Wi-Fi, places to charge your phone, and so much more. 

Our services are free of cost and free of judgement. Get the help you need on your terms, in whatever way makes you most comfortable.

We combine Indigenous knowledge and land-based teaching with Western medicine, creating a helpful and mindful approach to wellness for all. Come meet Elders, learn about medicines and ceremonies, and connect with the community! 

What’s going on at our Huddle

There are so many free events and programs you can join at Huddle Broadway, in-person or online. You’ll find health and wellness workshops, 1-on-1 counselling, substance-use and harm reduction support, online mental health courses, employment counselling, Indigenous ceremonies, and so much more.

Services at Huddle Broadway

Walk-in and Appointment Services

12:00 – 4:00 pm every day

One-at-a-Time Counselling

One-at-a-TIme Counselling

One-on-One counselling with a mental health clinician to discuss mental health and wellness needs

Peer Support

Peer Support

Meet with someone who has been there and who is ready to listen and provide support for what you are experiencing

Service Navigation

Service Navigation

Set goals, plan services and referrals and talk through how to start working towards those goals

Housing Support with Naatamooskakowin

Housing Support with Naatamooskakowin

Sharing Sessions for those who are unsheltered and looking to find housing

Harm Reduction

Harm Reduction

Access Harm Reduction tools or talk about Substance use, change and recovery

Additional Support Services

12:00 – 4:00 pm

Employment Services

Mondays and Fridays

Employment Services

Meet with an Employment Counsellor to help with your résumé, cover letter, job search, career exploration, interview prep or other employment challenges

Primary Care

Tuesdays and every other Friday

Primary Care Tuesdays

Meet with a Nurse practioner for your primary medical needs including: sexual and reproductive health care, gender affirming care, basic health and wound care. Tuesdays 12:00 – 6:00pm and every other Friday 12:00 – 4:00

Financial Literacy

Second Tuesday of the Month

Financial Literacy Support

Support with budgets or taxes

EIA Support

Third Friday of every Month

Primary Care Tuesdays

Meet with a Nurse practioner for your primary medical needs including: sexual and reproductive health care, gender affirming care, basic health and wound care. Tuesdays 12:00 – 6:00pm and every other Friday 12:00 – 4:00

Group Support Services

4:00 – 6:00 pm
See Calendar for updates and specifics.  Sign-up sheets available.

Our Space


Our Space

Mental Health and Wellness Supports for 2SLGBTQIA+ youth

Committees and other meetings



Get involved!

Cultural Events


Cultural Events

Drumming, Crafting, other Indigenous cultural activities

Discovery College Courses

See calendar that is linked above!

Discovery College Courses

Courses on Mental Health and Wellness topics co-designed by youth

Recreation and Social Programming


Recreation and Social Programming

Movie Nights, Mario Kart tournaments, Crafting, Sing-a-longs and so many more in a rotating list of events

Download this months event calendar

Where we are

Our youth hub is located at the corner of Broadway and Colony Street—you’ll find us in the first floor of the big black building, with our entrance facing out to Broadway.

533 Broadway (West Broadway Common)
Winnipeg, MB
R3C 1W2

Contact Us:

For general and program information:
Phone: 204-228-6387

Phone and emails are not monitored 24/7. Visit our Contact Page for more resources if you need immediate help.

How to get here

Street parking is available on Colony Street or one block over on Good Street. If you need extra help, come inside and we will help guide you to a space. Please note, we do not have bike racks or room for bicycles inside the building, so we recommend locking your bike to a nearby lamppost

Bus Routes:

Blue, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 29, 33, 38, 43, 44, 45, 47, 60, 66, 635

Gaa Gaa Gii Gamik “Raven’s House”

The Huddle Broadway Youth Advisory Committee in partnership with the Youth Ambassador Advisory Squad from the Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth, and Take Pride Winnipeg spent more than 6 months collaborating together to create a mural that brings so much meaning to our cultural space and Indigenous cultural programming.  As a part of the Re-Right Project, the mural represents the United Nations Convention Rights of the Child Article 6: You have the right to not only live, but thrive!  Youth met with many Elders and Knowledge Keepers as they tried to express the importance of thriving and mental health through an Indigenous cultural lens.  Local artist, Jeannie Red Eagle, listened and connected with youth and together, to breathe life and spirit into this amazing painting.  After painting with Jeannie, our youth and other community members, this space is proudly and uniquely ours at Huddle Broadway.  Many Miigwetches to all who made this a reality.

Inspired by each wall of the mural and what each direction represents with mental health, two Indigenous youth musicians, created this song to help us reflect on how our mental health is tied to the land, ourselves, our physical health, and our spirit. 

After one year of service, Huddle Broadway was gifted the name Gaa Gaa Gii Gamik (“Raven’s House” in Anishinaabemowin ) by Grandfather, Vern Dano.  He shared that Ravens, like many youths who come to Huddle Broadway, are very resourceful and bring with them many gifts.  Raven’s also share those gifts with others.  Huddle Broadway was created with so many youth to make it a space they wanted to be and that other youth would feel comfortable, like home, welcoming.  Grandfather Vern also shared that Raven’s fly high in the sky which allows them to see more of the world around them.  Through that gift of great seeing at Huddle Broadway, all youth, their families, and caring adults in their lives are seen not just for how they present, but for all of who they are including their dreams, their goals, the gifts and strengths they already carry.  Youth come to Huddle Broadway and share those gifts and resources, their knowledge, teachings, and experiences with one another and together we all grow.

Who we are

Allen Rey (He/Him)

Peer Facilitator

Allen Rey (He/Him)

Hey! You can call me Allen. I like reading, playing video games, long walks, and sitting down to enjoy a strong cup of coffee. I have an academic background in Psychology and a penchant for being curious about myself and others. If you know you have something to talk about (or know you just need to talk), let me know! As Peer Facilitator, I’m happy to assist you on your journey to recovery!

Ryyn Riou (She/They)

Mental Health Clinician

Ryyn Riou (She/They)

Heya! I’m Ryyn. I really love foraging, being outside, and making French pastry. I have a Bachelor’s of Social Work with a community development and anti-oppressive practice. As a non-binary person, I am so excited to help create a safe space for 2SLGBTQIA+ youth!

Ro Walker-Mills (He/Him)

Peer Facilitator

Ro Walker-Mills (He/Him)

Hey You! My name is Ro and I use he/him pronouns. I enjoy watching basketball and specifically women's basketball. My background is in Psychology and support work. At one point I owned a small business online that created resources for transmen. As a transman myself I am open to answering questions or helping you on your own transition journey. Feel free to ask me about substance abuse related issues as I am a person in recovery. As a Peer Facilitator I am here to help you find the resources and services you need or simply to talk about life!

Faridat Yusuf (She/Her)

Service Navigation Specialist

Faridat Yusuf (She/Her)

Hey there! My name is Faridat. As a service navigation specialist at Huddle, my main focus is helping people like you navigate any issues or questions they may have. Whether it's setting goals, planning services and referrals, or discussing how to start working towards those goals, I'm here to ensure a smooth and efficient experience for you. Outside of work, I enjoy playing dress up, going for leisurely walks, and simply chilling on my free days. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need any assistance or have any questions. I'm here to help!

Percy Riot (He/They)

Support Pooch

Percy Riot (He/They)

I’m not always at Huddle but when I am I will show you how happy I am to see you! I love long walks, sunbeams and snacks. My hobbies are snacks, naps and hugs.

Levi Labelle (They/Them)

Youth Hub Manager

Levi Labelle (They/Them)

Oh hey! You caught me drinking my I-lost-count-th coffee today! I love stories, crafting, laughing, and video games (I am level 280 this season in Fortnite). I have 25 years of experience in advocating, organizing, and supporting youth. I have a degree in Development, and diplomas in Communication, Psychology, and Administration. My expertise is in gender, sex and sexuality, HIV/AIDS, and the stories we tell, how, and why.

Polly Plug-In (She/Her)

High Voltage Peer Support

Polly Plug-In (She/Her)

Hi hi! I am so glad you made it! I like hanging out, watching the weather and catching up with friends. Wait with me while you charge your phone, or for your turn to see one of the staff. I have degrees in both AC and DC with combined majors in Apple and Android.

Dr. Frankie Foosball (They/Them/Xe/Xir)

Fully-Licensed Fun Doctor

Dr. Frankie Foosball (They/Them/Xe/Xir)

Ziggy-ziggy-ziggy…Oi! Oi! Oi! Who has eight arms and advanced degrees in fun? I do! When you visit the hub and want to relax, come hang with me and I’ll teach you a few tricks. I like conversations, walks on the beach, and reading 18th century philosophy. It gets me so fired up, I literally Kant even!

Bobby Blackn’decker (He/Him)

Coffee Expert

Bobby Blackn’decker (He/Him)

What’s up!? I am one of the first staff you’ll meet at the youth hub. I am always ready and always there with a warm hug. Welcome, and stay a while!

At Huddle, youth have a safe space to be authentically themselves. We welcome and respect people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, ethnicities, faiths, race/nationalities, and abilities.

We empower all youth, families, and service providers to show the same respect to others and to celebrate each other’s differences.

Get Involved

Want to join our Youth Advisory Council or become a peer supporter to help other young people in your community? We’re always looking for youth to join us and help shape what you want from our Huddle services. The youth advisors meet once a month and discuss things like programming, events, and policies that have a real impact on how our youth hub operates.

Catch up With Huddle Broadway

Follow Huddle Broadway for updates on the latest events happening at our youth hub and helpful tools to live a healthier life.

Huddle is a safe space for youth ages 12–29, offering free, trauma-informed and culturally safe health services in a youth-friendly atmosphere.

Our youth hubs are located on Treaty 1 and Treaty 2 territories. These lands on which we gather are the traditional territories of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Anisininew, Assiniboine, Dakota, and Dene Peoples, and the birthplace of the Métis Nation.